Tollgate Primary School

School Performance

How are our pupils doing?

One way to answer this question is to look at attainment, i.e. how many children reach the nationally expected standard at the end of their key stage. Each year group is different, so comparing performance between years is not straight forward. If you want to understand how our children perform in more detail, please contact us to arrange a meeting.

In 2019, the number of children who achieved the expected standard for the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage (end of Reception) was in line with National average. Children in Year 1 sit a phonics test. This year 82% achieved the expected standard. This is an improvement on the last two years and shows the impact of high quality phonics teaching in the school. In Year 2, the number of children achieving the expected standards for the end of Key Stage 1 increased from last year. Again, this demonstrates the impact of good teaching at Tollgate.

At Tollgate, we believe in ‘Firm Foundations’ so we use a variety of other strategies to help identify where the children are and any gaps they have in their learning e.g. screenings, work in books, class work. Every child is an individual and the class teacher will know them and their achievements well, so please speak to them if you want to discuss your child’s attainment and progress.


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