Tollgate Primary School

Pupil Leadership

School Council

At Tollgate, our School Council plays an important part in decision making at our school.

Each class democratically elects one member to stand as a Council representative; this year we will be voting termly to ensure a variety or children can represent the school throughout the academic year. We meet every Wednesday morning to discuss issues around and about the school, including fundraising. 

School Council representatives look into what children love about the school and what we should continue doing, as well as how to improve the school further. We fundraise for national events like Children in Need, as well as for our own projects such as raising money for our Friendship Benches in 2024 by organising two school discos. 

The School Council are voted for by the pupils and are here to represent the pupils of Tollgate.

Student Leadership

At Tollgate Primary School, we encourage children to be role models for each other and lead within their school environment. 

This promotes a sense of community as we work together to make Tollgate the great place it is.  Within school, we have many opportunities for our children to test and develop these leadership skills including lunch leaders, play leaders, librarians and we are constantly updating and monitoring this offer to ensure that we provide the best foundation for these skills. 

Aside from these specific roles, our children are also encouraged to work in groups in lessons with specific roles, during house activities – with children older and younger than themselves – and in sporting activities: each time, practicing teamwork and understanding what skills and qualities are successful when working with others.

Eco Council

At Tollgate, our Eco Council is made up of one pupil from each class. Eco Councillors were voted for by the children in their class. The councillors bring any ideas, issues and suggestions forward to our weekly meetings. They also report back on Eco Council activities to their classes and in our assemblies.

At our meetings we discuss how we can help to make our school greener and more sustainable. Last year, we focused on recycling, energy usage and litter. We made good progress but there is still lots to be done!

Eco Schools Green Flag Award… With Merit!

Tollgate was awarded the Eco Schools Green Flag award in July 2024. Our Eco Council and Eco Club worked very hard to achieve the award setting the foundations to become a fully fledged Eco School. We were proud to work with Havebury Housing Association to support a wider green impact within our local community. Pupils designed posters to deter flytipping in our local area. Several of the designs were professionally printed by Havebury and displayed around our community. 

Last year, we completed an environmental review and took action based on areas needing improvement. We made good progress but there are further steps that we wish to take in order to make our school greener still. 

We will continue to promote Eco Council topics in our curriculum and to involve the wider community in our activities.