Tollgate Primary School

Online Safety

Designated Safeguarding Lead & Online Safety Lead : Mrs Winn

At Tollgate Primary School, we are committed to educating children to be responsible users of technology and the internet, including how to be safe online. This can only be achieved with close partnership between home and school.

Online Safety is about ensuring that learners can access the technologies and resources they need without putting themselves at risk personally or financially. It’s about a learning provider making sure that learners, staff and all their stakeholders know how to keep safe while using technology and resources.

Online Safety can include topics such as cyber-bullying, mobile phone technology, preventing identity theft, privacy, social networking sites and child protection.

Using the Internet responsibly is now a significant part of many lessons. All students will look at issues relating to safety using the Internet in ICT lessons, and issues involving cyber-bullying in PSHE and assemblies.

If you have any worries about Online Safety or any online activities please contact us and speak to a member of the Safeguarding Team.


The following websites have a variety of information which you may also find helpful:

Internet Matters

Aimed at children ages 8–10. The app looks to take the parent/carer and the child through a range of 9 different online safety subjects and questions together, which each person answers individually. The App aims to open up dialogue between the adult and child. See

If you are worried about something that has happened online you can click on the logo to report to CEOP

Online Safety – What You Can Do

Teaching children to stay safe online is part of our job. However it is just as important that parents are aware of the dangers and ensure their children are safe at home.

There is a huge range of devices in the home which connect to the internet, from smart phones and computers to televisions and games consoles. Remember – Internet Service Providers (such as Virgin, BT, Sky and TalkTalk) all have parental controls which you need to ‘switch on’ – just contact your provider, or take a look at these videos.

Top Tips!

  • Talk to your child about their use of the internet! Be part of what they are doing.
  • Make sure you know what devices in your home connect to the internet and how.
  • Set boundaries! Be clear about how long they can be online and what they can do online.
  • Keep all equipment that connects to the internet in a family space.

Don’t forget though: Encourage your child to go online and explore! There is a wealth of age-appropriate sites online for your children. Encourage them to use sites which are fun, educational and that will help them to develop online skills.

Try the ‘Think You Know’ Website (part of CEOP) which has great age-appropriate resources and activities for children and advice for parents and teachers. Don’t let them lie about their age, most social media sites (such as Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat) are not for children under 13. There is more guidance on Childnet.

Help & Advice

Games Consoles – such as Xbox or Playstation – all have parental controls which can be enabled in the ‘Settings’ . However, they only work if your child is playing on an account which has their information. In other words if the console knows how old the player is!

  • PlayStation information is here.
  • Xbox information is here.
  • Nintendo information is here

One of the biggest areas of concern in recent years is YouTube … advice can be found here


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