SEND Provision
Firm Foundations, Broad Horizons
Transforming the Community Together
SENDCO: Miss Smith
Our vision, values and broader aims for pupils with SEND at Tollgate Primary School is an integral part of everyday school life. As a Primary School for children aged 3 to 9 the foundations of learning is embedded within our curriculum.
A wide range of opportunities are available to the children to allow them to experience new things and enrich their learning. We are proud of our strong relationships with our school community, children, parents, staff and the Trust.
Through planning, use of choice and challenge, and differentiation, we enable pupils to make their best progress. We understand that there may be occasions when a pupil requires additional support to achieve their best and we endeavour to tailor the provision available to enable pupils with an additional need to access the curriculum and learning opportunities available so that they are able to achieve what they are truly capable of.
Our SEND Information Report is available in the attachments section.
The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator at Tollgate Primary School is Miss D Smith who can be contacted via our school office.
FAQ’s About Our Offer:
Please speak to your child’s class
teacher if you have any questions or
concerns. You can also speak to the
Special Educational Needs/ Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCo) or our Deputy Head.
SENDCo—Miss Smith
Deputy Head—Mrs Korth
Firstly, children will have interventions as a normal part of their learning. This will be completed with the classroom teacher. If after a half term, there are still concerns, then the teacher will refer to the SENDCo for further assessment and interventions.
Cognition and Learning
- Significant delays in learning
- Specific learning problems such as dyslexia
Communication and Interaction
- Speech difficulties
- Language difficulties
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
Social Emotional and Mental Health
Sensory and/or Physical
- Plus 1 / Power of 2 (maths)
- Toe by Toe (early reading)
- Repeated reading
- Phonics interventions
- Behavioural tracking and support
- TA support
- Small group instruction
- Bespoke intervention
Pupils will be provided with an
individualised pupil passport to show their strengths and areas of need. This document will also have specific targets and a plan for interventions.
This document will be shared with you by the teacher and reviewed termly.
If a child is on an EHCP there will also be a formal annual review.
If there is no improvement in the learning, we assist in referring to an outside agency. This may include, but not be limited to:
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Academies Trust (SENDAT)— consultation services
- Dyslexia Outreach— consultation services
- County Inclusion Support Services (CISS)
- Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)
- Occupational (OT)
- School Nurse
- Well Being Hub
- Support letter for GP
- EHCP Assessment referral